ABG Releases New Enrollment Platform

 In Benefits

With Associate Benefits Group we’re part of your community, and with the addition of our new enrollment platform Ease, we can Literally live, work and play Right beside you. Being in your market allows us to:

·         Understand your market’s specific needs

·         Create solutions to solve your challenges

·         Develop close relationships with Management and employees.

·         Decrease enrollment times, while making enrollments more user friendly, by utilizing modern Technology.

So no longer sitting in a waiting room, waiting on an agent, with this platform you have the means to take the enrollment with you. You will have access to enroll using your cell phone, your iPad, and your laptop. Yes ease is mobile friendly!

Ease provides the tool to streamline and simplify the benefits election process for business owners, HR administrators, and employees. With online enrollment, sent via emails it enables you to strategically and efficiently manage benefits, eliminate paper forms, while reducing errors, and creating digital files. You can see real-time open enrollment progress and use pre-built reports to track new hires on-boarding and benefits elections.

Take control of your enrollments with Associate Benefits Group new enrollment platform.

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